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90 Minute Massage, Member Monthly Massage (90 Minute Level) change

Select from the following list to add a service to this appointment. cancel

  • New Clients

    New clients are asked to pay 75% of their session cost when they schedule. This is refundable should you have to cancel due to illness or emergency. If you do not show up for any other reason, your deposit is not refundable. 
    • New Client 30Min $50
      You may add Cupping or Hot Stones for an additional $10 each. Just email, call or ask when you come in.
    • New Client 45Min $70
      You may add Cupping or Hot Stones for an additional $10 each. Just email, call or ask when you come in.
    • New Client 60Min $85
      You may add Cupping or Hot Stones for an additional $20 each. Just email, call or ask when you come in.
    • New Client 90Min $115
      You may add Cupping or Hot Stones for an additional $20 each. Just email, call or ask when you come in.
    • New Client 2 Hour Massage $150
      You may add Cupping or Hot Stones for an additional $20 each. Just email, call or ask when you come in.
  • Member Massage

  • Swedish Massage

    Swedish massage uses firm but gentle pressure to promote relaxation, ease muscle tension and create other health benefits. It is a classic massage that will ease your stress and allow you to slip into a calm state of relaxation. Massage oil or cream is used with smooth, gliding strokes. Includes elements of gentle stretching, deep tissue and trigger point, with a focus on relaxation and soothing the muscles.

    CUPPING: Bell like cups are used to gently lift the muscle tissue layers. Every 5 minutes of cupping is the equivalent of 30 minutes of deep tissue work without the pain of deep work! Great for clients who don't enjoy deep tissue work or do not tolerate it well.

    • 30 Minute Massage $50
      Because of time limitation, this is focused on one area of the body, i.e. back or arms and legs.
    • 45 Minute Massage $70
      Because of time, this is focused on one area of the body, i.e. back or arms and legs. However, there is more time spent in the area requested than the 30 minute session.
    • 60 Minute Massage $85
      This is a regual full body massage therapy session.
    • 2 hour Massage $150
      A full body massage therapy session, with extra time to focus on tense muscles and allow you to unwind and de-stress. This session can include some light stretching.
    • Upgrade to Special Oils and Lotions for your Massage!

      Treat yourself! Add some extra relaxation and relief! Try one of the (often seasonal) special scented massage lotions to add extra relaxation to your massage session!
    • Hot Stone Add-on

      Add hot stones to your massage for added benefit and relaxation! Both the warmth and the use of the stones as tools during your massage help to increase all the benefits of an already relaxing massage. Some of the feedback I have received is that hot stones make the relaxation and pain relief of the massage fairly instant from the beginning of the massage. At least two people have said that the stones offer more benefits without the discomfort they sometimes feel from cupping therapy or blading. Nearly everyone who has tried them has said that once you try them, you won't go back!
      • Hot Stones, 60 min or longer massage Free
        Hot stones are a great way to loosen tight muscles, add to your massage, and increase relaxation. Note: Due to the extra time they take, hot stones are typically only used during massage sessions that are 60 minutes or longer.
    • Cupping Therapy Add on

      Cupping Therapy incorporated into a massage therapy session. Cupping therapy uses reverse pressure to release toxins and tension in the muscles and fascia. It can be soothing and effective for tender muscles or tightness that is deeper in the tissue, without using the pressure of deep tissue massage.
      • Cupping therapy, 60 min or longer massage Free
        Cupping therapy uses gentle reverse pressure to assist in the release of tense, knotted-up muscle tissue. It can help during massage when a muscle has been sore and tight for an extended time and is somewhat sore to deeper massage. (Always tell your massage therapist if ANY part of your massage is painful or uncomfortable.) Note: Due to the extra time involved both during the session, and in after session sterilization, cupping therapy is typically only offered for sessions scheduled for 60 minutes or longer.
    • Other Services and Bundles

      • Body and Sole $95
        The best of both worlds! Get a one hour massage PLUS a 15-minute reflexology session at a discount price!
      • Ultimate Body and Sole $125
        The ultimate in relaxation! Get a 90-minute massage PLUS a 15-minute reflexology session at a discount price! 
      • Quintessential Body and Sole $160
        A TWO hour session PLUS a 15-minute reflexology session at a discount price! 
      • Foot Massage $30
        Pamper yourself with a relaxing 20 minute foot massage in a peaceful environment! Please wear comfortable, loose-fitting clothes, with pants that can be pushed up or rolled up to allow access to the feet. You will remain fully clothed for this session.
      • Hand Massage $30
        Pamper yourself with a relaxing 20 minute hand massage in a peaceful environment!  You will remain fully clothed for this session.
      • Hands and Feet $30
        A relaxing 20 minute hand and Foot combo. Great for those who use their hands a lot! 
  • Reflexology

    A soothing session that focuses on the pressure points of the feet that correspond with the body’s organs and hormone release (endocrine) system. Great for stress, anxiety, and depression issues.
  • Prenatal Massage

    Prenatal massage for relaxation and gentle stretching. Very restful and peaceful for the expectant mother, and useful for the unique muscular issues of pregnancy. Side-lying postures are used to prevent putting pressure on the abdomen. Special measures will be taken for your comfort and extra time allotted for the massage. Prenatal massage generally takes 2 hours, so please allow for this.
Keith Webster, LMT, NAT, FMT: Keith Webster LMT, NAT, FMT